Sunday, February 27, 2011

Self Awareness

So this morning The Lords of Dogtown was on TV and I got to watch the tail end of it.  Tony Alva is freaking cool, along with all the other Z-boys.  It would've been cool to grow up in California where you could grow up as a surfer and through your skills be part of something that sparked and pushed the sport of skateboarding.  It's so cool learning about innovators and people that were the first to do something.  Not that I skateboard or anything but it's really inspiring to watch a movie like that even though they didn't really solve any of the world's problems.

So it was a bad month of car sales.  I think I may have two tomorrow (my day off) that I can sell to but we'll see what happens.  I think I'm unsure of myself and so when something doesn't go according to plan in the sales process I get lost and confused and I lose the sale.  My goal for next month is to just relax and go with the flow and be more direct in asking people to buy a car.  I've learned a lot about people and I'm sure I'll learn a lot more over the duration of this.  I really am enjoying it.

On a side note I'm watching the Knicks/Heat game...I hope the Heat lose.

I'm going to try and sell some stuff on Ebay to get some experience in selling stuff on the internet.  I know that it's not a major step but I think I need to start small if I'm going to have my own business some day.  I got this idea from an article written by a guy who's been an entrepreneur in various degrees since he was fourteen. 

I've also been reading a lot of books about business so that when I do take the venture of starting my own web business...maybe at the beginning of next year I'll have a better idea of where I want to go with it.

Hmmm that's all I got.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Awesomeness to partake of...

Is that how you spell Awesomness?  or is it Awesomeness?  Spell check is saying the former not the latter.  Don't I sound smart when talk like that.  No?  How about when I forget to put a question mark after a question?

So I'm selling cars in downtown Salt Lake City at Murdock Hyundai.  Come and buy a car from me so that I can pay for credits that don't transfer, useless religious classes and sub par housing next semester at BYUI :)

So far it's been good.  I've talked to a lot of people and sold a few cars...five to be exact.  Soon to be six.  We'll see if the guy's debit card goes through on Friday when he comes to pick up the car.  I got my Hyundai card in the mail today.  It works like a credit card I guess.  I wouldn't know but I will soon.  Whenever I sell a new car (not used) hyundai puts 50 bones onto the card for me to spend.  If I sell more than three the 50 turns into 100.  I like that idea.  It's good stuff. 

I've really like playing my bass and listening to music lately.  Here are some of the songs I've been listening to...  this is Charles Mingus who is a famous Jazz player...he arranged this.  This is a band called Death From Above 1979 ...freaking awesome.
